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Author Topic: 做ACCOUNTING的 如何转ERP (问答汇集)  (Read 14615 times)


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做ACCOUNTING的 如何转ERP (问答汇集)
« on: February 28, 2013, 09:29:08 PM »
做ACCOUNTING的 如何转ERP (问答汇集)       
Written by laotu   
Sunday, 19 June 2011 02:05
做ACCOUNTING的 如何转ERP (问答汇集)
来源: fountaingrass 于 2011-06-17 14:21:27
我的帖子快被淹没了,只能再发一遍ACCOUNTING  ERP,有童鞋去自费学ORACLE,SAP 的ERP吗,很多人据说都是工作中学的,但DILIMMA是没有ERP的经验怎么去找ERP的工作呢?有ERP经验的童鞋们你们都是在哪里学的?给些HINT, 还想问大家,学ORACLE 好还是SAP好?有ORACLE,SAP 是不是就有ACCOUNTING职业发展的空间,我指的是JOB SECURITY,JOB MARKET DEMAND,SALARY等。 望各位给与指教,谢谢。
回复:ACCOUNTING ERP 的问题(痛苦中求问)

来源: 美国老土 于 2011-06-17 14:48:50


-- Many ERP systems are being used in all sorts of business, for example, to get the cheaper one: google Open Source ERP, you will get many. For the large ERP system, you can find the top ten by click here: The top 10 ERP.

-- ERP means Enterprise Resource Planing, it contains many differnet packages and modules. The most popular is Finance package, it contains basic modules like AR, AP, GL, AM, no matter what kind of business the company do , they will always need Finance modules.

-- Depends on the business, the other packages are Supply Chain Mamagement, Manufacture, HR, CRM, BI etc.

-- Since the Financial package is the most popular one,  as a Accounting expert you have advantage than other people who do not know what AR, AP, GL meant.

-- However, directly jump into EPR position is hard, because you do not have basic database skill.

-- No matter what kind of ERP the company use, Oracle, SAP, or Microsoft, or Open Source free ERP, there always be databases behind it, and always require you to know SQL language to put database into database and pull data out to generate the report, like daily report, weekly report, end of the month, end of the quater, end of year report, or, like trial balance report (which many people don't know what it means.)

-- Therefore, the first step toward ERP job is not about Oracle or SAP or Microsoft, its about do you know business concept (which you already knew) and database, do you know SQL?

-- Without Database foundamental skills, any ERP training will be rootless.

-- Get Database skill, find a Analyst job as the enter point, then find out what ERP system is being used in that company, then get familiar with it, then join the company paied training.

This is the best and shortest way to become a ERP professional.

Wish this answered your question.

Email me if you need more answers. I do teach ERP system modules. Therefore, I know GL, AR, AP, set of books and 3C. (Do you know 3C?)

You are in the right direction...


来源: 醉里吴音 于 2011-06-17 18:55:43


如果你是AR AP General accountant的话,越大型的ERP,end user 界面应该越简单好用,不用去上什么ERP速成班,那种培训根本没意义,不太笨的人上班2周就培训得差不多了。

如果你想申请Analyst 以上职位,或者想在ERP 方面有发展,ERP的基础是数据库,我当年入行凭的是:
- accounting degree & designation
- MIS degree, database courses

如果你想懂多点,去上database 基础课程,和SQL。

如果你非要去上ERP课,去念SAP吧,SAP business process比较强,Oracle database比较强,很多SAP的后台还是Oracle。还要准备大笔银子,我上过几个 SAP课程,3天2千美金的价位,只cover非常小的一块内容,而且要照顾到课堂里一小半中年老会计,进程极度缓慢,上得我直打瞌睡。

要记得财务行业的根本还是designation,业内最牛的SAP functional consultant,都是有会计拍照的。


来源: fountaingrass 于 2011-06-17 19:10:09

谢谢吴音,你的建议非常实用,俺正在等分数的焦虑中,做好一颗红心两种准备,你说得database 基础课程是什么?


比如SQL, 数据之间的关系..

来源: sisbio 于 2011-06-18 13:58:08


什么Inner join, outer join 之类的..table relationship.


没明白你所谓学是指什么,Hyperion 和SAP是最常见的

来源: Crystaldowns 于 2011-06-18 07:39:57

常见的两种Financial System,大公司一般都会用,上手也不难,有用过的经验会是你更Marketable。但是专门去学好像没有比要吧。


来源: sisbio 于 2011-06-18 14:11:24

Business analyst 一般是有会计背景(证书), 同时有工业经验(比如熟悉零售业, retail, or manufactory 制造业流程的..).

ERP, 目前大型的就是你说的SAP, ORACLE,

微软的就是Dyanmics AX. 数据库是SQL. 就是吴音说的database.确其中SQL 2008, 有目前最流行的SSRS, (report service).

进入ERP, 最大的问题, 是出差. functional consutlant, travel rate can be 80%-100%. Developer, travel rate can be 50%-70%.

除非你进入client公司, 像我这次找到的工作, 就是用户公司. 你就不用出差, 慢慢的干, 也没有人计算你的billable hour, 否则在咨询consulting firm 你是很辛苦的. 对女性有孩子要照顾的人不合适.

ERP 不难, 就是用多了就会了. 对我来说:) 你要不笨, 喜欢到处 click button, 到处看看, post 一下你的帐目, 从销售到应收款到总GL, 你走一遍就知道了..

做ERP 最大的好处, 就是将来工作的机会挺大的, 几乎像点样子的公司都用它. 所以你从data manager, 到warehouse manager, 有个CPA做controller, 好像都和ERP 有关. 我不做developer, 考考cpa, 估计我是最容易找工作的了, 因为我连系统背后的程序都做了, 对数据流程太熟悉.

总之, 你的学历背景, 应该将来挺容易杂找工作. 发现一个机会进入一个公司工作, 只要那个公司用了一套ERP, 你就上手了. 至于你以后学到多少, 看你自己花多少工夫了..


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« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2013, 01:21:37 AM »

This is Ingrid from NZ.I am a Chartered Accountant with a hope to move out of Chartered practice into commercial accounting. When I searched jobs online, I found a typical "chicken and egg" situation. Most of the companies I would like to work for required ERP experience (mostly SAP or Oracle), which I do not have.

Luckily my States friend emailed me this website, hopefully I can find someone on the same track and we progress together.

 I have registered Xcel&Access, SAP-Crystal and going to register Oracle soon. My research also shows that I can by SAP books from its website.

My strategy is to learn whatever market needs and whatever I can at a very reasonable price from TU teacher and to read those SAP books, sharp up my CV, then to find a job in Australia. The market is bigger and ..., some other stories.

I work 3 days a week (Mon-Wed) with a two year old son and a husband of course ;-) I will come to this site now and then.

Hope all goes well for everyone who is working on changes.


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Re: 做ACCOUNTING的 如何转ERP (问答汇集)
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2013, 09:56:32 PM »