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Author Topic: Some questions and answers about courses for new students  (Read 4980 times)

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Some questions and answers about courses for new students
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:42:14 PM »
1.网上有些人说您的课程比较适合有accounting/finance背景的人,他们上手会比较快, 并且有绿卡才好找工作, 我来美快三年, 背景是EE+business, 目前business management在读, 这里面学过个别finance和statistics(用的是excel)的课程, 没有任何工作经验, 我的求职方向IT business analyst或data analyst都可, 像我这种情况跟您课程的匹配度怎么样? 培训加找工作需要take哪些课程?

-- ".网上有些人说您的课程比较适合有accounting/ finance背景的人,他们上手会比较快"
  This is not correct.  People with other majors also can make change quickly.

2. 注册后您core package所包含的所有材料是一次性发给学员的吗? core package里面的内容是固定的吗, 能否调换其它课程?
-- Yes.
-- Can't change other courses.

3. 您发的资料都是recorded,它与live online course有何区别?如果有了record
ed  courses,再等着上online的课是否需要重新交费?
-- Not need pay if same online live class open in the future.
-- We give Core Package student chance to take online class once for FREE.

4. 上过课后, 去找工作时, 像我没有相关工作经验在简历上会有改变吗?我很担心的就是没经验很不好找,您给的sample resume的作用体现在哪儿?
-- Student will gain experience after join our courses.
-- Sample resume will help student write their own resume.

5. 您所说的convert to core package, 是否指的是先交一门课的学费, 之后任何时间如果我觉得好改变主意, 补齐与core package的差价就可以转到core package?
-- Yes.

6. Real project workshop适合什么样的情况take, 对学习完后找工作它是不是必须的?
-- It depends.
-- This course show you real world business projects fro different field to help student get better skill for their work or interview.

7. 如果自己安排时间自学recorded材料, 是否只有每周三可以online chat, 平时有问题发到student forum?
-- Yes, submit question anytime, will get answer very quick.

8. 如果我只register您的core package的两门课(sql&oracle), 还能得到您对找工作的指点吗, 比如说仍然有sample resume/student forum/class webinar for job interview?
-- The answer listed clearly on registration web page.

9. 您是否会推出2014 core package, 跟2013区别大吗, 里面的内容是否会有变动, 我是否从2014开始register比较合适?
-- It is just a name, no big difference of the course content.

10. 我能否有一个trial,感受一下~
-- We knew we deliver high quality courses.It has been approved by many successful students.
-- Take the course after you made decision to change your life.
-- If you are not sure at this moment, just take your time.
-- Once you made decision, we will help as we can to help your study.